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InMotion Hosting Affiliate Payout Categories
List for Item SKU is Core, Launch, Power, Pro
, WP Core, WP Launch, WP Power, WP Pro, R-1000N, R-2000N, R-3000N & R-4000N, Reseller VPS 2GB, Reseller VPS 4GB, Reseller VPS 6GB, VPS-2GB, VPS-3GB, VPS-4GB, VPS-5GB, VPS-6GB, VPS-7GB, VPS-8GB, VPS-9GB, VPS-10GB, VPS-11GB, VPS-12GB, VPS-13GB, VPS-14GB, VPS-16GB, Custom Commercial Class Server, Commercial Class 1000, Commercial Class 1000 G4, Commercial Class 1000 G4 Managed, Commercial Class 1000 G4 Metal, Commercial Class 2000 & 3000, Commercial Class 2000 & 3000 G4, Commercial Class 2000 & 3000 G4 Managed, Commercial Class 2000 & 3000 G4 Metal, Aspire & Essential, Aspire & Essential G4, Aspire & Essential G4 Managed, Aspire & Essential G4 Metal, Advanced, Advanced G4, Advanced G4 Managed, Advanced G4 Metal, Elite, Elite G4, Elite G4 Managed, Elite G4 Metal, VPS-18GB, VPS-20GB, VPS-22GB, VPS-24GB, VPS-26GB, VPS-28GB, VPS-32GB
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List for Item SKU is cVPS-3, cVPS-4, cVPS-6,
cVPS-8 & cVPS-12, cVPS-16, cVPS-32, cVPS-12
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List for Item SKU is cVPS-1, cVPS-2
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List for Item SKU is Platform i - Monthly
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List for Item SKU is Platform i - Yearly
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Media Allowed/Disallowed
Allowed Media
Text Link
Disallowed Media
Cashback, Reward Points, Incentives, Charity
Email (Text)
Custom Email (Text)
Email (HTML)
Custom Email (HTML)
POP Traffic
Native Ads
Social Media
Facebook Ads
SEM - Brand Keyword(s)
SEM - Generic Keyword(s)
SEM - Brand + Generic Keyword(s)
Countries Allowed
Important Information for InMotion Hosting Affiliate Program
InMotion Hosting campaign does not help with the missing transaction.
Company reserves the right to deny membership to the Program for any reason. By
joining the Program, Affiliate agrees to the following Company policies, or restrictions
and Affiliate acknowledges and agrees that Affiliate’s website(s) or publishing location
shall not (and shall not enable others to):
3.1.1. Incorporate or use of Company’s trademarks (i.e., InMotion Hosting) in
Affiliate’s marketing URL (e.g., inmotionhosting-reviews, inmotion-hosting,
in-motion-hosting, bestinmotionhosting). If Affiliate uses a domain with any
Company trademark, Affiliate will be subject to suspension or termination from the
Program and all commissions will be forfeited by Affiliate;
3.1.2. Conduct paid search campaigns that utilize keywords such as, but not limited to,
‘inmotion,’ ‘inmotion hosting,’ ‘inmotion web hosting,’ ‘inmotion hosting coupon,’
‘inmotion hosting discount’ or the like are strictly prohibited;
3.1.3. Direct a link to inmotionhosting.com;
3.1.4. Use Company’s URL as the displayed URL for any advertisements;
3.1.5. Use iframes or any other techniques or technology that places Affiliate’s affiliate
tracking cookie (or other tracker) by any means other than an actual click-through;
3.1.6. Have “InMotion” or “InMotion Hosting” in any capacity as a part of Affiliate’s
About InMotion Hosting Affiliate Campaign
Related Web Hosting, VPS Hosting, Dedicated Hosting, Reseller Hosting