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IKEA - ID Affiliate Payout Categories


Media Allowed/Disallowed

Allowed Media

Text Link

Disallowed Media

Cashback, Reward Points, Incentives, Charity
Email (Text)
Custom Email (Text)
Email (HTML)
Custom Email (HTML)
POP Traffic
Native Ads
Social Media
Facebook Ads
SEM - Brand Keyword(s)
SEM - Generic Keyword(s)
SEM - Brand + Generic Keyword(s)

Countries Allowed

Indonesia Flag Indonesia

Important Information for IKEA - ID Affiliate Program

Tracking - Online

Target Audience: Male & Female, Age: 20-54 

About IKEA Affiliate Campaign

We love unique new ideas that can make our products and your life better. Like our revolutionary REGISSÖR furniture. There is no need to use screws or other heavy metal, because REGISSÖR has attachments already installed so you just need to press the parts and the furniture is ready to use! Did you know that the fastest record for assembling a bookshelf is three and a half minutes? Easy and fast way!