Revolution Beauty affiliate marketing program

Revolution Beauty Affiliate program

Platform where tracking is available

Health & Beauty

Cookie Duration




Incentive / cashback


Social media


Revolution Beauty UK Affiliate Payout Categories

New User
Existing User
Voucher, Default

Media Allowed/Disallowed

Allowed Media

Text Link
Cashback, Reward Points, Incentives, Charity
Email (Text)

Disallowed Media

Custom Email (Text)
Email (HTML)
Custom Email (HTML)
POP Traffic
Native Ads
Social Media
Facebook Ads
SEM - Brand Keyword(s)
SEM - Generic Keyword(s)
SEM - Brand + Generic Keyword(s)

Countries Allowed

United Kingdom Flag United Kingdom

Important Information for Revolution Beauty UK Affiliate Program

Tracking - Online


Discount & Voucher :

Affiliates are not permitted to use brand name terms or ANY derivation or misspelling within site or page URL's

Affiliates are not permitted to use brand name terms or ANY derivation or misspelling in site or page Meta Tags

Affiliates are not permitted to have links to our site if we have no discounts or vouchers uploaded and active on cuelinks

Affiliates are not permitted to use codes exclusive to other affiliates or any code not uploaded to cuelinks. Commissions will be declined if breached.


Affiliates are requested not to bid on brand name terms or ANY derivation or misspelling

Affiliates are not permitted to link directly to the merchant's domain

Affiliates are also requested not to use the destination URL in any PPC activity

Affiliates are not allowed to bid on terms that contain links to our direct competitors brands

Email policy :

You are not permitted to send any unsolicited email ("spam") under this affiliate programme

Affiliates are not permitted to use brand name terms or ANY derivation or misspelling within site or page URL's

Email Affiliates are not permitted to have links relating to discounts or vouchers if we have no discounts or vouchers uploaded and active on Affiliate Window

Use of Product Feed :

The product feed available is for use on your own websites, and not for use on 3rd party price comparison sites such as Kelkoo, where the client has their own direct activity.

Affiliates are not permitted to use brand name terms or ANY derivation or misspelling within site or page URL's

Affiliates are not permitted to use brand name terms or ANY derivation or misspelling in site or page Meta Tags

PPC Policy :

If publishers promote you via PPC, will they be entitled to full commission? - Yes
If publishers directly link to your website from search engines, will they receive full commission? - No
If publishers use your brand name in their display URL, will they receive full commission? - No
If publishers use your brand name in their paid search title and description, will they receive full commission? - No
If publishers add your brand name into their negative keyword list, will they receive full commission? - Yes
If publishers display their ads when your brand name or variations of your brand name are entered as search keywords, will they receive full commission? (e.g. vodafone, voda fone) - No
If publishers display their ads when misspellings of your brand name are entered as search keywords will they receive full commission? (e.g. vodofone) - No
If publishers display their ads when your brand name and another word are entered as search keywords, will they receive full commission? (e.g. Vodafone Mobile) - No
Do you have a restricted group of publishers who can earn commission on sales generated by brand related terms? - No
For any agreed publisher paid search activity, will publishers be paid for sales generated from the following search engines? - Yes - Google, Yahoo, Bing

Transaction Policy :

Does the transaction value that commissions are paid on include VAT / sales tax? - No
Does the transaction value that commissions are paid on include delivery charges? - No
Does the transaction value that commissions are paid on include credit card fees? - No
Does the transaction value that commissions are paid on include gift wrapping or other service charges? - No
Are commissions not paid out on some products or product categories? - No

Reasons are commissions declined :
Order cancelled, Item was returned, Customer failed credit check, Breach of programme terms and conditions, Duplicate order

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About Revolution Beauty Affiliate Campaign

Revolution was created out of a vision for a better beauty brand that values its customers and creates incredible products affordably, directly from their feedback. We have grown to become a global beauty brand that still stands for those same values – inclusivity, diversity, and disrupting outdated beauty perceptions. We believe everyone should have access to quality make up, and that every definition of beauty deserves to be celebrated.