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Search Campaigns - Protected SEM Bidding Keywords
Search Campaigns - Protected SEM Bidding Keywords
Hale Groves, Hale Indian River Groves, Hale
Negative Matching for Protected Keywords - Required
Search Campaigns - Recommended SEM Bidding Keywords
gift baskets, fruit gift, fruit basket, ship fruit gift, honeybells, honeybell oranges, florida oranges, shipping apples, florida fruit, indian river fruit, florida oranges, florida citrus, florida groves, buy apples, oranges florida, citrus mail order fruit, indian river fruit, grapefruit, ruby red grapefruit, box of fruit, mail apples, clementines, navel oranges, oranges florida, indian river oranges, florida grapefruit, florida citrus fruits, tangelos, florida groves, indian river citrus, indian river groves, citrus groves florida, orange honey bell, buy peaches, citrus fruit, florida navel oranges, order pears, mandarin oranges navel oranges, indian river grapefruit, tangerines
Search Campaigns - Prohibited SEM Display URL Content
hale, halegroves
Search Campaigns - Prohibited SEM Ad Copy Content
Hale, Hale Groves
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Direct Linking - Allowed
Search Campaigns - Special Instructions for Search Marketing Publishers
Do not bid on Hale Groves Trademark or Brand Terms, meaning any derivation of Hale Groves, including URLs, landing pages and others. We reserve the right to remove any affiliate at our sole discretion.
Hale Groves campaign doesn't help with missing transactions
Web Site - Prohibited Web Site Domain Keywords
hale, halegroves
Incentivized Traffic - Allowed
Email - Allowed
Software - Allowed
Sub-Affiliates -Allowed
Social Media -Allowed